As early as 2018 I was teaching myself to acquire programming languages, frameworks, logic and some computer science concepts.

It started with "Learn to Program" by Christopher Pine.

Eventually I enrolled in a 7 month full-time boot-camp, and I've refined that drive and commitment through Turing School of Software and Design.

Turing School of Software and Design aims to unlock human potential by training a diverse and inclusive student body to succeed in high fulfillment technical careers. And they are achieving their aim quite successfully.

I'm interested in most new technologies and yes I have some preferences; My first priority ~~though is finding an employer who appreciates the work and investment I've made in myself, and can foster greater growth and development~~ is continuing to establish myself as a reliable, dedicated, empathetic, intelligent human who enjoys coding in my current role as a Staff Rails Engineer with DocMe360.

I don't know how I got so lucky to be in the position I'm currently in, though I believe it may have to do with some combination of hard work, long hours at the library, the passage of time, and some [self-promotion I did on LinkedIn](

~~If that employer is you, then let's talk…~~ I'm not currently looking for any position, though if you really want to work with me, than ask me for references. I know many eager, qualified, motivated developers who are just as capable and dedicated as I am.

If you're still curious, it's probably time to actually speak directly with me by scheduling a [:30 minute coffee chat](/coffee_chat.html)